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幼女秀场 LED假睫毛引颈奇特时尚新潮水

发布日期:2024-10-14 03:54    点击次数:99

幼女秀场 LED假睫毛引颈奇特时尚新潮水



We’ve had holographic lips, feather brows and the glistening glitter booty, but this latest trend is really taking beauty to the future. 咱们如故领有全息唇彩、羽毛眉和闪光臀这些奇特的时尚造型,而最新的一种时尚正在引颈着畴昔的娟秀潮水。

Enter, LED lashes. LED灯眼睫毛浩荡登场。

The beauty product you never knew you needed, F.Lashes are the rave-ready answer to your average pair of falsies and are described as ‘fun, fresh and fierce.’ 你也许从未念念过,我方会念念要脱手这么一款好意思妆家具。“F.睫毛”牌新款LED假睫毛将是你换掉庸碌无奇平方假睫毛的不二之选。市面上对它的评价是“造型新颖敬爱,时尚时尚。”

Unveiled at the Maker Faire in California, designer Tien Pham from Sweden demonstrated the lashes and their many modes. 这款家具在加利福尼亚制汇节上初度与公众碰头。来自瑞典的家具打算师提恩-彭姆对该家具的多款形貌进行了展示。

Aside from coming in an array of colour ways – think pink, red, blue, white, yellow and green – they also come in ‘sparkle’ mode which makes the lashes twinkle and ‘dance’ mode where they flash erratically. 除了有一系列的脸色——淡粉色、红色、蓝色、白色、黄色和绿色可供选拔以外,这款家具还有“精通”格局,假睫毛会闪闪发光,此外,还有“跳舞”格局,亮光时闪时灭。

But, how do they work? 那么,这些截至是何如已毕的呢?


Powered by a watch battery that attaches to the back of your head using hair clips, the lashes are completely reusable and can be applied to your natural set using eyelash glue. 这款假睫毛不错重迭使用,用睫毛胶水就不错粘在睫毛上方。而LED灯的供电则通过在后脑勺用发卡固定的一块腕表电板即可已毕。

“As long as you don't cut or break the connections, you can reuse them as often as you want,” Pham said. 彭姆说:“惟有你不堵截睫毛和电板之间的电线,你念念使用些许次王人不错。”

“I've worn the pink set three times in the last three days and they are perfectly fine to reuse.” “曩昔三天里,我戴了三次那款粉色的睫毛。它们完全不错重迭使用。”

Despite the brightness, he also insists that they are completely safe to wear, sweat-proof and do not emit any heat. 固然这款假睫毛闪闪发光,彭姆暗示它们使用起来会很安全,不仅防汗,还不会发烧。

“The light is not blinding. In fact, I often can't tell I have them turned on. I have to cup my hand over my eye to see the light,” Pham added. “睫毛上的灯光并不是很亮的那种。实质上,我通常王人不知说念我到底有莫得戴睫毛。我得用手盖住眼睛才能看到那些灯光,”彭姆补充说说念。


But, before you decide to ditch your glow sticks out in favour of a set of light-up lashes there’s a catch. 不外,即使你念念丢掉手中的荧光棒,进入这款LED睫毛的怀抱,现在还有个问题。

Unfortunately, F.Lashes are still in prototype stages but according to their Facebook page, a Kickstarter campaign will arrive in July, if not sooner. 可惜的是,“F.睫毛”仍处于雏形阶段。不外该家具的脸书主页音信称,制造方最晚将于七月在Kickstarter网站上发起众筹活动。

To make sure you don’t miss out on their launch, you can sign up to F.Lashes mailing list now to be notified when the Kickstarter is officially opened. 要是你不念念错过此次活动,你不错登记加入“F.睫毛”的邮寄名单。众筹活动端庄开动时,他们会向你发送邮件提示。


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